Systemic Issues for Commonwealth Small States in the Current Functioning of the WTO


Carolyn Deere Birkbeck


Small states face significant hurdles in securing the potential benefits of trade to their economies and in protecting themselves against trade practices and rules that harm their interests. This study explores the systemic issues and challenges confronted by Commonwealth small states in the multilateral trading system, and identifies two sets of priorities for these countries. First, the substantive content of trade agreements must account for the particular needs, constraints and vulnerabilities of small states. Second, WTO members need to address the systemic issues facing the WTO in ways that ensure small states can use and benefit from all of the functions the multilateral trading system offers. To help enable Commonwealth small states to participate meaningfully in debates on WTO reform, the paper highlights areas of particular importance and sets forth options and proposals they could consider advancing.



4 November 2015

Online ISSN
