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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter January 1, 2009

Stereoselectivity of the Petasis reaction with various chiral amines and styrenylboronic acids

  • Quentin I. Churches , Helen E. Stewart , Scott B. Cohen , Adam Shröder , Peter Turner and Craig A. Hutton


Several chiral amines were investigated for the stereoselective preparation of homophenylalanine derivatives using the Petasis reaction. Chiral secondary amines such as N,α-dimethylbenzylamine and N-benzylphenylglycinol gave the best results in terms of both yield and diastereoselectivity. The use of N-benzylphenylglycinol leads directly to 3-alkenyl-4-benzyl-5-phenyloxazin-2-one products. Intriguing variation was observed in the stereoselectivity of reactions employing para-substituted styrenylboronic acid substrates, where presumably only electronic factors are involved.


International Congress for Heterocyclic Chemistry (ICHC 21), International Congress on Heterocyclic Chemistry, ICHC, Heterocyclic Chemistry, 21st, Sydney, Australia, 2007-07-15–2007-07-20


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Published Online: 2009-01-01
Published in Print: 2008-01-01

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