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Analysis of the HIV self-testing and its influencing factors among men who have sex with men in ShanghaiChinese Full TextEnglish Full Text (MT)

BAO Yan;SHEN Bing;GU Kaikan;YANG Yun;WANG Haitao;HAN Lei;GE Meihua;NING Zhen;Jing’an District Center for Disease Control and Prevention;Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention;

Abstract: Objective To Analyze the HIV self-testing(HIVST) and its influencing factors among men who have sex with men(MSM) in Shanghai. The knowledge of the HIVST provides scientific evidence for the development of HIVST service processes. Methods From Jun 2018 to Aug 2019, the MSM with known HIV negative or unknown HIV status were recruited by Communities Organization as research objects. The self-designed questionnaire was conducted using the questionnaire star website. We collected general demographic information, sexual behavior characteristic,knowledge of the HIVST,current HIVST status, and the use of HIVST in the future, etc. The subjects also received HIVST.Results 48.2%(619/1285)of those used the HIVST in the past. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed statistically significant differences appeared in the following situations: the previous use of HIVST, presence or absence of a male partner in the past six months, with or without a fixed male partner in the past six months, the time to the last HIV test at the HIV detection point, and the location of the latest HIV test(P<0.05), etc. The positive rate was 4.6%(59/1285).Among them, 94.9%(56/59) were willing to accept confirmation testing, 67.8%(40/59) were willing to take confirmation testing in CDC, 18.6%(11/59) hope that Communities Organization will help with referral. 57.0%(732/1285) of the objects believed that HIVST had advantages and disadvantages compared with the HIV detection point. 92.1%(1184/1285)were willing to use HIVST in future. Conclusion The rate of HIVST was relatively low among MSM people in Shanghai. The Communities Organization +internet model should be strengthened to promote the provision and utilization of HIVST services. Referral process of HIVST-positive with CDC-led and Communities Organization participation should also be targeted.
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  • Series:

    (E) Medicine & Public Health

  • Subject:

    Endocrine and Systemic Disease; Infectious Disease

  • Classification Code:


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