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Effect of Land Use/Land Cover Change on the Concentration of Se and Heavy Metals in Soils from a “Return Cropland to Forest” Area, Southwest ChinaChinese Full TextEnglish Full Text (MT)

LIU Yong-lin;LIU Shu-ling;WU Mei;TIAN Xing-lei;LIU Shuang-yan;School of Geography and Tourism, Chongqing Normal University;Key Laboratory of GIS Application Research, Chongqing Normal University;Shandong Institute of Geological Sciences;

Abstract: Human activities(land use) and environmental change(land cover change) affect the concentration of Se and heavy metals in soils. The implementation of the “Return Cropland to Forest(RCF)” ecological project has changed the land use and cover, which has provided an ideal experimental area for studying the effects of land use and cover change on selenium(Se) and heavy metals in the soil. In this study, 91 top soil samples from different land use and land cover types, including dry land, paddy land, natural forest land, and secondary forest land, were collected, and the contents of Se, heavy metals, and soil organic matter(SOM) and pH were analyzed. The results showed that:(1) the average values of ω(Se)(0.42×10-6), ω(As)(13.0×10-6), and ω(Sb)(1.03×10-6) were higher than the soil background values of western Chongqing.(2) The concentrations of Se, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn in soils from secondary forest land were significantly higher than those from dry land soils, suggesting that the Se and heavy metals might have significantly increased in the surface soil after the implementation of the RCF ecological project.(3) The SOM was the key controlling factor for the enrichment and distribution of Se and heavy metals in the top soils. Our results indicated that the land use and land cover change would deeply impact the concentrations of Se and heavy metals in the top soils via influencing the soil properties, especially the SOM.
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  • Series:

    (B) Chemistry/ Metallurgy/ Environment/ Mine Industry

  • Subject:

    Environment Science and Resources Utilization

  • Classification Code:


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