日本機械学会論文集 B編
Online ISSN : 1884-8346
Print ISSN : 0387-5016
柔軟な弾性表面を持つ円柱表面に発生する進行波 : 進行波の発生メカニズムと円柱表面の剥離流れの関係(流体工学,流体機械)
田地川 勉大場 謙吉
ジャーナル フリー

2003 年 69 巻 687 号 p. 2431-2437


It is important to understand an interaction between deformable surface and flow field surrounding it. In order to clarify this interaction, we had made some detailed experiments using several kinds of cylinder models having elasto-flexible surface in uniform water flow, and had found that on the surface were excited three different kinds of traveling waves, i. e. a continuously occurring wave, a periodically occurring wave and a randomly occurring wave. The present experiments were made to elucidate the mechanism of the wave generation and its propagation. The results showed that a relative frequency of the wave generation to that of the Karman vortex pair emission was linearly proportional to the power of 2/3 of the Reynolds number. This dependency is similar to the dependency of the wave propagation speed of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in free shear layer on the Reynolds number. The traveling velocities of the waves were found to be about 65% of the main flow velocities regardless of the model diameter. Small vortices observed in the vicinity of the wave were found to move with same velocities as the wave propagating velocities. The velocity distribution in the shear layer of the separated flow around the cylinder was measured. The velocity at the inflexion point of the distribution was found to be same as the wave propagation velocity and the moving velocity of the small vortices. We concluded from the above results that the traveling waves were generated by the flow instability of the shear layer in the separated flow around the cylinder.

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