Journal of Veterinary Medical Science
Online ISSN : 1347-7439
Print ISSN : 0916-7250
ISSN-L : 0916-7250
Comparison of Response to Immunotherapy by Intradermal Skin Test and Antigen-Specific IgE in Canine Atopy
Author information

2000 Volume 62 Issue 5 Pages 473-478


Botulinum C3 enzyme produced by Clostridium botulinum type C and D strains modifies Rho proteins. In a previous study, we observed that the LDH isozyme pattern of neurons treated with C3 enzyme was different from that induced with endogenous growth factor of neurons such as NGF [21]. This type of change is considered to have an advantage in the medical use of C3 enzyme for neural disorder. To determine the functional similarity of C3-treated neurons to control and NGF-treated neurons, we examined the responses of C3-treated neurons to various drugs, including some neurotransmitters, by measuring the rise of intracellular Ca ions into the neurons. The time course of the rise of intracellular Ca ions induced by high concentration of potassium in the C3-treated neurons was similar to that in the NGF-treated neurons. The C3-treated neurons responded to glutamic acid, aspartic acid, kainic acid, γ-aminobutylic acid, muscarine and ACh with similar time courses and magnitudes as the control neurons. These results suggest that the C3 enzyme induces the functional differentiation of neurons, and that C3 enzyme has the potential for the medical use as an exogenous differentiation-inducing factor of neurons.

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© 2000 by the Japanese Society of Veterinary Science

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