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Cannabinoid receptor type-1: breaking the dogmas

[version 1; peer review: 3 approved]
PUBLISHED 24 May 2016
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The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is abundantly expressed in the brain. This system regulates a plethora of physiological functions and is composed of cannabinoid receptors, their endogenous ligands (endocannabinoids), and the enzymes involved in the metabolism of endocannabinoids. In this review, we highlight the new advances in cannabinoid signaling, focusing on a key component of the ECS, the type-1 cannabinoid receptor (CB1). In recent years, the development of new imaging and molecular tools has demonstrated that this receptor can be distributed in many cell types (e.g., neuronal or glial cells) and intracellular compartments (e.g., mitochondria). Interestingly, cellular and molecular effects are differentially mediated by CB1 receptors according to their specific localization (e.g., glutamatergic or GABAergic neurons). Moreover, this receptor is expressed in the periphery, where it can modulate periphery-brain connections. Finally, the better understanding of the CB1 receptor structure led researchers to propose interesting and new allosteric modulators. Thus, the advances and the new directions of the CB1 receptor field will provide new insights and better approaches to profit from its interesting therapeutic profile.


Endocannabinoid system, allosteric modulator, molecular pharmacology, cannabinoid ligands, CB1 receptor signaling,


The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is composed of G protein-coupled cannabinoid receptors, namely cannabinoid receptor-1 (CB1) and cannabinoid receptor-2 (CB2)1,2; the endogenous cannabinoids called endocannabinoids, such as the lipids anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol3,4; and the enzymes involved in their synthesis and inactivation5. The family of endocannabinoids has recently grown to include a group of peptide ligands (so-called pepcans) and other lipid molecules, such as lipoxin and pregnenolone, interestingly acting as allosteric enhancers or signal-specific inhibitors (SSIs) of CB1 receptors6.

One of the main characteristics of the ECS is its broad distribution throughout the body. In this review, we will specifically focus our attention on the CB1 receptor-dependent functions in the nervous system (particularly the brain). The CB1 receptor is considered the most abundant metabotropic receptor in the brain7. It was cloned in 19901 and its distribution has been well characterized in both rodents8,9 and humans10. These receptors are particularly rich in the central nervous system11,12, where they control a wide spectrum of physiological and pathological conditions, including brain development, learning and memory, motor behavior, regulation of appetite, body temperature, pain perception, inflammation, and they are involved in various psychiatric, neurological, and neurodevelopmental disorders1317.

This review highlights recent findings that challenge or extend accepted “dogmas” of CB1 receptor signaling. Thus, it discusses where CB1 receptors are localized, the importance of CB1 receptors outside the brain, and new strategies to pharmacologically act on these receptors. Importantly, the understanding of where, which, and how CB1 receptor function is mandatory to improve the pharmacological strategies to act on this promising therapeutic target.

Localization of CB1 receptors in different neuronal types

CB1 receptor localization has been widely studied during the last few decades18. Thus, early studies provided strong evidence for a presynaptic localization of CB1 receptors, from where they can control the neurotransmitter release7,19. However, the somatodendritic localization of CB1 receptors cannot be discarded, as processes of self-inhibition through these receptors have been demonstrated in the cortex2023. According to this, recent work describes that somatodendritic CB1 receptors control a specific postsynaptic signaling cascade important for the cognitive impairment induced by cannabinoids24. Therefore, more studies are needed to clarify the relative involvement of pre- or post-synaptic CB1 receptors in brain functions and how this can affect our general view of how the ECS controls synaptic transmission.

Interestingly, new experimental approaches (e.g., imaging tools) have shown the expression of CB1 receptors in different neuronal types, including GABAergic, glutamatergic, and serotonergic neurons, among others8,2528. Moreover, although the anatomical presence of CB1 receptors in cholinergic, noradrenergic, or dopaminergic neurons has not been fully characterized, cannabinoids are known to control acetylcholine and dopamine release29,30. For example, it has been recently shown that CB1 receptors can specifically control cholinergic over glutamatergic transmission at single synapses that co-release both neurotransmitters31.

Importantly, the expression levels of CB1 receptors can drastically differ among different cell types and can diverge between different brain regions12,25,32,33. This widely distributed and differential expression in the brain reflects the complexity, and can explain the variety of functions, of the ECS. For instance, this specific distribution can explain some of the bimodal effects of cannabinoid drugs34,35. Thus, recent studies demonstrated how CB1 receptors localized in GABAergic neurons can control food intake34, running related behaviors36,37, drug addiction38,39, and learning and memory processes40,41, among other behaviors, whereas CB1 receptors localized in glutamatergic neurons control neuroprotection42, olfactory processes25, fear memories43, social behaviors44, and anxiety35, among others. Moreover, CB1 receptors present in serotonergic neurons can modulate emotional responses45.

Localization of CB1 receptors in other cell types or intracellular organelles

The biased neuron-centric view in the ECS field changed when CB1 receptors were found in another type of brain cells, the glial cells4649. Moreover, recent studies have demonstrated how the astroglial CB1 receptor can modulate important physiological functions in behavior and synaptic plasticity such as learning and memory and long-term depression in the hippocampus5052. Therefore, this receptor can shape synaptic transmission via astroglial signaling53. By doing this, it modulates the effects of exogenous cannabinoids on working memory46 and, notably, can also determine the selective activity of specific circuits in the striatum54. Thus, the improvement of the current tools will consolidate this knowledge to better elucidate the role of CB1 receptors and astrocytes on brain functioning55. Interestingly, recent findings have shown how CB1 receptors can modulate microglia activation, suggesting its presence in this cell type49.

Although CB1 receptors are localized primarily at the plasma membrane, more and more evidence suggests the presence of functional intracellular CB1 receptors56,57. For instance, a portion of these receptors is functionally present in cell mitochondria58. In the past, previous data showed that cannabinoids can alter mitochondrial functions, but these effects were fully ascribed to unspecific membrane disturbance induced by these lipid molecules59,60. However, recent results challenge this idea, indicating that CB1 receptors are also present in mitochondrial membranes in the periphery, such as in spermatozoa61 or skeletal muscles62, and in the brain, where they directly regulate mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) activity58,63,64 or can impact feeding behavior65. However, further studies and more direct, specific, and powerful tools are needed to investigate the role of mitochondrial or other intracellular CB1 receptors on synaptic transmission, brain functions, and behavior. Interestingly, brain mitochondrial functions have been recently causally associated to anxiety-related responses in the nucleus accumbens66, demonstrating how brain energetics can impact behavior.

Localization of CB1 receptors in the periphery

In the last two decades, CB1 receptors have been described in a number of peripheral tissues, including fat tissue67, gastrointestinal tract68, mouth and oral cavity69, eye70, cardiovascular system71, liver72, pancreas73, immune system74, bone75, skin76, and skeletal muscle77. Indeed, it seems that the ECS is present in a large majority of tissues and its specific functions have recently been investigated78.

The complex interactions between peripheral organs and the central nervous system raised a particular interest within the neuroscience field. In this sense, it is worth discussing how the peripheral processes modulated by the CB1 receptors are affecting the central nervous system functions. A recent study demonstrated that the peripheral sympathetic activity controlled by CB1 receptors is necessary for central functions, such as hypophagia and anxiety-like effects79. Other potential examples of the roles of CB1 receptors in the periphery-brain connection are the control of the release of stress hormones from the adrenal glands80 or the modulation of gut functions impacting on behavioral responses. Indeed, a close interaction between adipose tissue, gut bacteria, and the endocannabinoid system has been proposed in the context of obesity81,82.

New advances in the CB1 receptor pharmacology

Several orthosteric ligands of CB1 receptors have been described in the last few decades, including natural or synthetic CB1 receptor agonists (e.g., Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol [THC], CP-55,940), antagonists (e.g., rimonabant), and orthosteric endocannabinoids6,83. Moreover, endocannabinoids seem also to target non-cannabinoid receptors (e.g., G protein-coupled receptor 55 receptors)84,85 and ion channels (e.g., serotonergic, nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, or vanilloid receptors)86, particularly at concentrations at which they have been found to interact with CB1 or CB2 receptors6,87. Notably, the orthosteric action of CB1 receptor agonists and antagonists induces important side effects88,89. For example, rimonabant, known as a partial antagonist/inverse agonist, showed different side effects in humans88. In this sense, different strategies have been shown to improve the safety profile and overcome the side effects induced by CB1 antagonists, such as the neutral CB1 antagonists90.

Interestingly, the pharmacology of CB1 receptors is nowadays also focused in the recent developments on putative allosteric binding sites of these receptors and how this can be translated into new therapeutic approaches. As cannabinoid ligands present an interesting therapeutic profile91, the development of new and safer drugs such as CB1 receptor allosteric modulators is needed. Indeed, this strategy has become a hot topic in the G protein-coupled receptors field and there are different positive and negative allosteric modulators described (PAMs and NAMs, respectively)92,93. Consequently, different compounds have been developed as exogenous CB1 allosteric modulators, including the indole derivatives (e.g., the NAM “ORG” compounds)94, urea derivatives (e.g., the NAM PSNCBAM-1)95, and other small molecules that also display a PAM profile, such as RTI-37196. Importantly, recent work also identified natural PAMs and NAMs of CB1 receptors, such as the lipoxin A4, the hemopressin pepcan-12, and pregnenolone97,98, which might represent model chemical structures for the development of new drugs. Although numerous studies have fully characterized the chemical and signaling properties of these new synthetic or natural compounds97,98, the in vivo effects of all these drugs modulating physiological or pathological conditions constitutes an emerging area in the cannabinoid field. In this context, the neurosteroid pregnenolone exerts peculiar effects on CB1 receptor signaling. Indeed, pregnenolone, by binding to a specific identified site on CB1 receptors, displays an interesting SSI profile: whereas CB1-dependent modulation of cytoplasmic cyclic AMP signaling is unaltered by pregnenolone, the neurosteroid fully blocks the activation of extracellularly regulated kinases (ERKs) and the inhibition of mitochondrial activity by cannabinoids63. By these mechanisms, the SSI pregnenolone blocks different central effects of THC, including memory impairment, hypolocomotion, and cannabinoid self-administration in rodents63. Other compounds have been shown to alter CB1 receptor-dependent effects. For instance, the synthetic PAM ZCZ011 reduces neuropathic pain99, whereas the PAM lipoxin A4 shows anti-inflammatory effects100. Interestingly, it was recently shown that cannabidiol, which has been previously reported as a CB1 receptor antagonist, behaves also as a non-competitive NAM of CB1 receptors, despite its low affinity to these receptors101.

The allosteric modulators of CB1 receptors are not the only therapeutic agents recently proposed. Indeed, the effects of several phytocannabinoids in preclinical models of central nervous system diseases and, where available, clinical trials have been investigated, suggesting a promising phytocannabinoid-based medicine102. Another factor that can change the CB1 receptor pharmacology is heteromerization with other receptors. Heteromers of CB1 receptors and other proteins recently emerged as an important target of the in vivo effects of cannabinoids103105. Notably, these heterocomplexes could be potentially modulated104 and this implies another pharmacological tool to act on CB1 receptor signaling. Moreover, present evidence points to the membrane environment as another critical regulator of CB1 receptor signaling, and this can be potentially exploited for the development of novel therapeutic compounds106. Finally, a G protein-coupled receptor such as the CB1 receptor may also have a constitutive, ligand-free mode of signaling, as has been shown in hippocampal GABAergic synapses107. All of these new ideas demonstrate that the research community may dedicate more effort to tackle CB1 receptors.


This short review focused on the new findings in CB1 receptor research. However, the ECS comprises other components such as CB2 receptors, the endocannabinoids, and the enzymes responsible for their synthesis and degradation. In this sense, recent advances have demonstrated the importance of CB2 receptors in the brain108110, the presence of other endocannabinoid-like molecules111,112, other potential receptors that can be activated by endocannabinoids87, and interesting findings regarding the localization and pharmacology of the enzymes involved in the metabolism of these endocannabinoids113,114. In brief, the actual picture of how the endocannabinoid system works is quite complicated and more efforts are needed to try to merge the old and the new ideas in this field (Figure 1).


Figure 1. Schematic comparison between the classic and the current view of the CB1 receptor functional expression.

On the left panel, the classic view of the CB1 receptor is represented. The CB1 receptor was thought to be exclusively localized in GABAergic neurons, where it was demonstrated to inhibit neurotransmitter release. On the right panel, the current view of the CB1 receptor is illustrated. Different advances have completely changed this picture: (A) The CB1 receptor is present in different neuronal types and in glial cells, both in astrocytes (B) and potentially in microglia (C). Furthermore, it is found intracellularly in the mitochondria (D) and endosomes (E). The view of a canonical retrograde system changed after the CB1 receptor localization in postsynaptic somatodentritic neurons was demonstrated (F). Nowadays, we know that CB1 receptor presents allosteric binding sites (G) and that it could form heteromers (H). Beyond the brain, the CB1 receptor is widely expressed in the periphery (I), where it can modulate the periphery-brain connection. All of this new knowledge reflects the complexity of the central nervous system and the advance in neuroscience, positing the CB1 receptor as an ideal tool for studying brain functions. CB1, cannabinoid receptor-1; CB2, cannabinoid receptor-2; eCB, endocannabinoid; NT, neurotransmitter.

An open question in the cannabinoid field is whether the cellular diversity of CB1 functions could improve the therapeutic exploitation of cannabinoid-based drugs. One can speculate whether different CB1 ligands can mediate different signaling pathways by selectively controlling different CB1 receptors present in different cellular populations. Likewise, it is possible that specific drugs could target exclusively mitochondrial CB1 (mtCB1) receptors or could avoid activation of intracellular pools of CB1. More studies will be needed to answer these questions, but there is already some evidence demonstrating a different pharmacological profile between CB1 receptors expressed in GABAergic and glutamatergic cells. Thus, “glutamatergic” CB1 receptors are more sensitive to low doses of agonists and are endowed with stronger intracellular coupling, whereas “GABAergic” pools of the receptor are activated by higher doses of agonists and produce lower activation of G proteins34,35,43,115. Therefore, one could speculate that specific compounds able to selectively activate different cellular subpopulations of CB1 receptors could be developed. Moreover, combinations of drugs able to modulate glutamatergic or GABAergic neurotransmission with cannabinoid agonists have been shown to promote specific effects of CB1 receptors and inhibit others116. It is also interesting to note that both perisomatic and dendritic GABAergic synapses use phasic endocannabinoid signaling, but the tonic form of cannabinoid signaling is present only in perisomatic cells107. Moreover, a recent study80 shows that the peptide endocannabinoids, known as pepcans, act as endogenous allosteric modulators of CB1 activity exclusively on noradrenergic neurons, demonstrating a cell type-specific regulatory role on endocannabinoid signaling. All of these new and exciting findings suggest that the better we understand cannabinoid signaling, the closer we are to developing specific and local pharmacological drugs that may have importance in brain disorders.

Overall, the new and exciting findings suggesting different and specific localizations of the ECS components and the new strategies proposed to tackle their activity of this receptor open the door to new questions (Table 1). Indeed, the endocannabinoid system has been related to many physiological and pathological functions13,18,117, and the better understanding of these new evidences will bring more light to exploit the therapeutically beneficial properties of this widely spread neuromodulator system in the brain and in the body.

Table 1. Open questions in the cannabinoid receptor-1 (CB1) receptor field.

Open questions in the endocannabinoid field.
Is the cell type-specific CB1 receptor signaling an open door to
develop new therapeutic tools?
Is the endocannabinoid system exclusively a retrograde
neuromodulator system?
How is the subcellular CB1 receptor distributed in the different
cell types?
How can CB1 receptors control neurotransmitter co-release?
Which physiological and pathological functions are modulated
by intracellular CB1 receptors?
Is there specific or differential CB2 receptor expression in
different cell types?
Is the allosteric modulation of CB1 receptors a good therapeutic
approach for pathological conditions?
Will it be possible to create compounds that target CB1 receptors
in specific cell types or subcellular localizations?

CB1, cannabinoid receptor-1; CB2, cannabinoid receptor-2.


CB1, cannabinoid receptor-1; CB2, cannabinoid receptor-2; ECS, endocannabinoid system; NAM, negative allosteric modulator; PAM, positive allosteric modulator; SSI, signal-specific inhibitor; THC, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol.

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Busquets Garcia A, Soria-Gomez E, Bellocchio L and Marsicano G. Cannabinoid receptor type-1: breaking the dogmas [version 1; peer review: 3 approved] F1000Research 2016, 5(F1000 Faculty Rev):990 (
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Version 1
PUBLISHED 24 May 2016
Reviewer Report 24 May 2016
Carsten T Wotjak, Department of Stress Neurobiology and Neurogenetics, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany 
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Wotjak CT. Reviewer Report For: Cannabinoid receptor type-1: breaking the dogmas [version 1; peer review: 3 approved]. F1000Research 2016, 5(F1000 Faculty Rev):990 (
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Reviewer Report 24 May 2016
Istvan Katona, Momentum Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary 
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Reviewer Report 24 May 2016
Alberto Bacci, Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière (ICM), INSERM U1127, CNRS UMR 7225, Sorbonne Universités, UPMC-P6 UMR S 1127, Paris, France 
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