RNA–RNA base-pairing: theme and variations

  1. Joan Steitz
  1. Boyer Center for Molecular Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06536-0812, USA
  1. Corresponding author: joan.steitz{at}yale.edu

This extract was created in the absence of an abstract.

A row of small white volumes marches along one bookshelf in my cluttered office. It is flanked on both ends by slightly larger volumes. The first is labeled “Processing of RNA, Brookhaven Symposia in Biology, Number 26,” the proceedings of a meeting I attended in May, 1974, as a relatively new assistant professor with my undergraduate student David Ginsburg. The other larger volume is “RNA ’96, The First Annual Meeting of the RNA Society.” Most of the volumes in between are labeled “RNA Processing” and are Cold Spring Harbor meeting abstracts dating from 1982 to 1993. I am a terrible pack rat. But these volumes remind me that I was invited, along with John Dunn and Mike Matthews, to organize the first CSH RNA Processing meeting in 1982. RNA Processing meetings at Cold Spring Harbor were to be a biannual event. But already by 1986, as the pace …

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