Toxicity response and difference in accumulation of exogenous soil chromium in crops
中文关键词: 土壤    生物富集系数  根伸长  毒性阈值
英文关键词: soil  chromium  bioconcentration factor  root elongation  toxicity threshold
徐国豪 济南大学水利与环境学院, 济南 250022  
刘英豪 济南大学水利与环境学院, 济南 250022  
常明慧 济南大学水利与环境学院, 济南 250022  
韩雪梅 济南大学水利与环境学院, 济南 250022  
李士伟 济南大学水利与环境学院, 济南 250022  
马义兵 澳门科技大学澳门环境研究院, 澳门 999078  
李合莲 济南大学水利与环境学院, 济南 250022 chm_lihl@ujn.edu.cn 
摘要点击次数: 767
全文下载次数: 867
      To study the differences in the toxicity and bioavailability of exogenous chromium(Cr) to lettuce, wheat, and corn, a K2CrO4 solution and Cr-contaminated soil from a chemical plant were used to conduct root elongation and field experiments. The results showed that in soils treated with the two different sources of Cr, the EC10 and EC50 values of Cr for wheat were 2.22-2.35 times and 1.45-1.87 times those of lettuce, respectively, with root elongation as the evaluation endpoint, indicating that lettuce was more sensitive to soil Cr pollution than wheat. The EC10 values in the treatments spiked with Cr-contaminated soil from the chemical plant approximately 14-15 times those treated with K2CrO4 solution, while the multiples were 4-5 for EC50 values. In the field experiments, both sources of Cr treatments significantly increased the ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid extractable Cr(EDTA-Cr) content in the soil compared with the control treatments. During the lettuce-wheat-corn rotation, the EDTA-Cr content in the soil decreased sharply within three months of lettuce growing, with a decrease of 75.2%-89.4% in different treatments. During the subsequent time of planting wheat and corn, the EDTA-Cr content decreased slowly, decreasing by 89.0%-94.9% overall by the time the corn was harvested, and the decrease rates in the soil treated with K2CrO4 solution were higher than those treated with Cr-contaminated soil from the chemical plant. The Cr content in the edible parts of the three crops was lower than the permitted limits specified in the National Food Safety Standard, but the accumulation of Cr in lettuce was significantly greater than those in wheat and corn.
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