
Weak-star closures of Gleason parts in the spectrum of a function algebra are studied. These closures relate to the bidual algebra and turn out both closed and open subsets of a compact hyperstonean space. Moreover, weak-star closures of the corresponding bands of measures are reducing. Among the applications we have a complete solution of an abstract version of the problem, whether the set of nonnegative A-measures (called also Henkin measures) is closed with respect to the absolute continuity. When applied to the classical case of analytic functions on a domain of holomorphy , our approach avoids the use of integral formulae for analytic functions, strict pseudoconvexity, or some other regularity of . We also investigate the relation between the algebra of bounded holomorphic functions on and its abstract counterpart—the * closure of a function algebra A in the dual of the band of measures generated by one of Gleason parts of the spectrum of A.

1. Introduction

The idea of using second duals for algebras of analytic function goes back to the works of Brian Cole and Theodore W. Gamelin. It turned out to be a powerful tool for studying some spectral and approximation properties of algebras of analytic functions over domains or even on complex manifolds. Under certain regularity assumptions on , the abstract counterpart of obtained by duality techniques corresponds isomorphically to the classical algebra of bounded analytic functions, allowing the use of functional analysis tools for dual spaces.

Let us recall that a uniform algebra (or function algebra) over a compact Hausdorff space is a closed unital subalgebra of separating the points of . Then we can assume that is a uniform algebra on its spectrum —the space of nonzero linear and multiplicative homomorphisms of with Gelfand topology. In this abstract setting the domain corresponds to a nontrivial Gleason part of and measures on absolutely continuous with respect to measures representing certain points of form a band of measures denoted by . The weak-star density of in the spectrum of some quotient algebra of is an equivalent formulation of the corona problem in settled 50 years ago by Lennart Carleson in the unit disc case and still open for the higher dimensional balls or polydiscs. This alone justifies the need for better understanding of the nature of weak-star closures of nontrivial Gleason parts canonically embedded in the dual space for (or in some other bidual spaces).

In Section 2 we formulate some preliminary observations. Quite simple distance estimates for quotient norms in dual spaces (modulo the set of annihilating measures) are obtained from the corresponding band decompositions.

Section 3 focuses on dualities and the related weak-star topologies (abbreviated as -), namely, on the -closures. Some natural relations are shown to hold between bands of measures on a compact space , closed ideals in and - closed ideals in its bidual space , exploring the fact that the latter is of the form for a compact space .

Our main result concerns Gleason parts in the spectrum of a uniform algebra . Due to the canonical embeddings, we consider such parts as subsets of certain bidual spaces. Theorem 6 describes some unexpected property of their -closures, relating them also to the -closures of the bands of measures generated by . The obtained relations imply the compatibility of such closures with the Lebesgue-type band decompositions. As a corollary, we identify these decompositions as the Arens multiplications by some idempotent .

One of the consequences of Theorem 6 presented in Section 4 is that the representing measures are supported by - closures of the corresponding Gleason parts.

In Section 5 we apply the results of Section 3 relating an abstract algebra of -type to the algebra of bounded analytic functions on a star-like domain. As a result, we obtain an alternative representation of a predual space to and “dual algebra property.”

Our results give also an abstract solution to the “A-measures problem.” The A-measures appearing in Section 6 (an abbreviation for analytic measures) were introduced in [1] under the name “L-measures” in the case of , the algebra of analytic functions on a domain , continuous at its Euclidean closure . (Some authors call them Henkin measures; the notation can also be met for the algebra .) These are the measures on , for which the integrals of the pointwise convergent to 0 on , bounded sequences in , converge to zero. The problem was to verify whether a measure on , which is absolutely continuous with respect to some representing measure, is itself an A-measure. In Theorem 19 we obtain a general result on A-measures. Here the domain is replaced by a Gleason part of and the measures are supported by . When applied to concrete algebras , this solves the A-measures problem for a wide range of domains, extending the previously known results.

2. Preliminaries

In what follows will denote a uniform algebra on some compact Hausdorff space , meaning a closed subalgebra of containing the constants and separating the points of . We may assume additionally (see [2], Chapter II) that

A closed linear subspace in the space of regular complex Borel measures on is called a band of measures (cf. [3, 4] V§ 17), if along with any it contains all measures absolutely continuous with respect to . For the set of all measures singular to any is a band, and is the smallest band containing , referred to as the band generated by . In particular, we have . Any has the following Lebesgue-type decomposition: The space is a direct sum of and and for any pair , their total variation norms satisfy

Let be the set of all measures annihilating , that is, such that for any . We say that a band is called reducing, if for any in the above decomposition (2).

If is a nonzero linear and multiplicative functional (a fact denoted by ), we say that is a complex representing measure for if By representing measure we understand a nonnegative representing measure. For belonging to the same Gleason part (i.e., satisfying ) the bands generated by all measures representing (resp., ) are equal and we denote this band by . A form of an abstractversion of F. and M. Riesz theorem ([4] V 18.2, [2] II 7.6) asserts that is always a reducing band. It is also well known that Gleason parts are Borel sets in the Gelfand topology, as (with fixed) the above is a countable union of compact sets (namely, of ).

In the next section we need the following properties of three quotient norms of the equivalence classes of : the first one is the norm in (defined as the distance: ). The second one, the norm in , is denoted here simply as . These both turn out to be equal to the third one, in . (Note that each of the equivalence classes, denoted for simplicity as , is in a different quotient space.)

Lemma 1. If is a reducing band then for any and one has For the quotient space norm of   in satisfies also

Proof. Decompose with respect to as in (2). From (3) we obtain Since is a reducing band, and the nontrivial inequality in (5) follows. The opposite inequality in (5) is obvious, because .
Now using (3) for ,   we have since , . Hence for . Passing to the infimum over we get finally showing (6). After replacing with in (10), we obtain the nontrivial inequality “” in (7), since . The rest follows from the inclusion .

3. Second Duals

If the dual of a Banach space is contained isometrically as a subspace of some Banach space B, one way of representing the second dual, (see, e.g., [3]), is to consider the weak-star closure in of , denoted here by . In some cases this - topology will be denoted more precisely as , to avoid possible ambiguity.

By the bipolar theorem applied to linear subspaces , we have , where is the preannihilator of . The symbol used for all canonical embeddings in the second duals will (almost always) be suppressed, while taking the - closures: instead of , we write for any set in the considered space. Since , the notation for this closure is justified when is a subspace. Recall that by Goldstine’s theorem the unit ball of is weak-star dense in the unit ball of .

The second dual of a uniform algebra has a multiplication extending that in , called the Arens product. Actually, there are two Arens products (they correspond to different orders of iteration mentioned below), but for subalgebras of commutative -algebras they both coincide (a fact known as the Arens regularity of ). Moreover, endowed with the Arens multiplication is a commutative -algebra; hence it is isometrically isomorphic to for some extremally disconnected space , called the hyperstonean envelope of . In other words,

The Arens product of can also be interpreted as an iterated - limit of the product of bounded nets and in , weak-star converging to (resp., to ), and the reverse order of iteration yields the same result, due to the Arens regularity of uniform algebras. We refer to [5] for the details on the Arens product and to [3] for the isometric identification of with . Let us just note that, as , the isomorphism from onto is obtained through the factorisation of the restriction of to ; that is, Next, denote by the measure on obtained by lifting , that is, by representing the functional , extended to . Given and , we have the natural duality formulae well-defined (independent of the choice of the representative of ) if and only if .

On the other hand, for certain subsets of the algebra’s spectrum , we will take the closure in endowed with its topology . Then it is natural to ask whether this closure is still a subset of . To see that this is the case, first check that the canonical embedding satisfies . (Here one can either invoke Lemma 3.6 in [6] or use the iterated limits representation of the Arens product and the -continuity on of for , deducing that in this case.) Then passing to -limits in of the form , where , we verify the needed multiplicativity of .

Let us look now at the weak-star closure of a band of measures in . Note that if one identifies with , then one can write . If and , we denote by the measure on having the density with respect to .

Lemma 2. The following formula holds:

Proof. Let . Then there is a net such that and weak-star. For each we have , where , , and . We have and for each . Hence, by the Banach-Alaoglu theorem, the net has an adherent point and the net has an adherent point . After passing to a suitable subnet, if necessary, we can write and . Consequently , , and which completes the proof.

There is an important, yet easy to verify, relation between bands (which are ideals with respect to an order in ) and closed ideals in . The latter are of the form for some closed subset (see [2]). We also identify with a band in ; namely, , where for all Borel sets .

Proposition 3. If is an ideal in and is an ideal in , then (1)the annihilator, , is a band in ;(2)the preannihilator, , is a weak-star closed band in .
Conversely, if is a band in then the following holds.(3) is a closed ideal in and is a closed ideal in .(4) is a weak-star closed ideal in and is a weak-star closed ideal in .(5)For some closed sets with , one has (6)For some closed sets such that , the closures (of in , where and satisfy (7)If a band is weak-star closed (namely, -closed), then for some closed subset and in this case, the Lebesgue-type decomposition (2) has the simplest form: , .

Proof. (1) Obviously, is a closed subspace in . It suffices to check that for any absolutely continuous measure (which is of the form with ) is also in . Since is regular, is dense in . For some sequence of we have in the norm of . For we have , since is an ideal. Now converge to . Hence .
(2) The only difference from (1) is that given , , and as above, we have , where the first equality follows from the convergence in . The second one follows since and , while , by the definition of the Arens product in .
(3) and (4) are obvious and follow from the absolute continuity .
(5) The ideals , in are closed. Hence , for some closed subsets . Obviously, the annihilators of the latter ideals are identified with and , respectively, showing that and .
As , the equality follows. Indeed, given an arbitrary , decompose any measure , like in (2). Then , showing that . Taking the annihilators we get by Lemma 2.
(6) Here the proof is quite analogous to that of (5).
The last claim comes from the description of closed ideals in , giving the form of some and from the equality , which holds in this case.

Let us recall from [2], II.12, that a peak set for is a subset on which some equals 1, while satisfying for any point . Sets arising as intersections of a family of peak sets are called p-sets. Let be a reducing band for our uniform algebra. By Glicksberg’s theorem ([2], 12.7) we get the following.

Corollary 4. If is a weak-star closed band in , where , then is a p-set if and only if the band is reducing.

Example 5. When is the classical disc algebra and is the closed unit disc, take a Cantor-type subset of the unit circle of zero arc length. In the case of bidisc algebra as we may take the set for some . In both cases peak functions for can be constructed directly. Hence we obtain specific examples of reducing bands of the form for these algebras.
Note that is not necessarily a direct sum as the related sets and may intersect. However, in the most important case, the situation is much better: in what follows, we fix a Gleason part and denotes the band generated by representing measures for the points , while is the set of all regular complex Borel measures on .

Theorem 6. If is a Gleason part of then (the closure of in the -topology) is a closed-open subset of . Moreover and is a reducing band for .

Proof. Let . Since is isometrically identified with , we have for each representing measure of . By (7) of Lemma 1, we therefore get There exists having norm 1 and such that and . In fact, the norm-attaining (at ) functional on composed with the canonical surjection assigning to its equivalence class does the job.
Let . Then . Since the norm in with respect to is the same as the norm with respect to , and (canonically embedded in ) are also in the same Gleason part in . Thus we can find a pair of mutually absolutely continuous Borel regular measures and on such that (respectively, ) is a representing measure for (resp. for ). The equality implies that as an element of equals 1 -almost everywhere. Consequently it is also equal to 1 , almost everywhere, and hence . Since was chosen arbitrarily, we have for all , and consequently on , which is the -closure, since .
Similarly, as , we have on and on , by continuity. But by Lemma 2 applied to the band . Since , we have . On the other hand, , which implies that it is a weak-star closed band, and hence . Similarly , whence which implies We have had on and on . So the sets and must be disjoint and closed-open.
We have for any , and hence almost everywhere for all its representing measures . This equality almost everywhere to 1 occurs also with respect to any linear combination of such ’s, generating the band . Hence almost everywhere with respect to any from the band . Passing to - limits in the equalities valid for probabilistic measures , we extend it to any probabilistic .
Consequently, for all measures . Since (yielding ) and since as an idempotent element has norm 1, we have It follows from the last inequality that the bands and are mutually singular. The latter combined with Lemma 2 gives the equality . By Proposition 3, there are closed subsets of such that and . Hence are disjoint and, by Lemma 2, we have . But it must be ; hence because is weak-star closed. Since on (see (21)) and for all probabilistic measures , we must have . Hence , and by the properties of it must be a reducing band.

From the above proof we also obtain the following.

Corollary 7. There exists a characteristic function vanishing exactly on . The projection associated with the decomposition into mutually singular components is the Arens multiplication by . (Metrically, this sum is of -type.)

Example 8. Let be an open unit ball in . Consider the algebra of all continuous functions on which are analytic in . Its spectrum consists of one nontrivial Gleason part and the union of singleton Gleason parts filling in its boundary. The fact that the whole is one Gleason part follows from the existence of mutually absolutely continuous representing measures for any pair of its points. Such a pair of representing measures is given by suitable Poisson kernels (see [7], theorem. ).
We have the following decomposition: where . The measures in are called totally singular; in the case they are simply the measures singular to the Lebesgue measure on the unit circle. It is known (see [7], Chapter 9) that . Hence , and using Lemma 1 we get Now , where the last term is isometrically isomorphic to the - closure of in . By Theorem 17 (cf. below) we get where denotes the predual of . By the equality of Corollary 7 we now obtain Hence the measures on the hyperstonian envelope of the ball decompose onto those -approximable by absolutely continuous (resp., totally singular) ones.

4. Closures of Parts and Representing Measures

Using the results of Section 3 we can localise supports of measures representing the points . These sets are “not too far” from the respective Gleason parts (such that ). In fact, they are contained in the Gelfand-topology closures . In the special case of the algebra for a compact set such a statement appears already in Theorem 3.3 in Chapter VI of [2].

Before stating the result, it is convenient to establish one lemma relevant for any nontrivial Gleason part . At the beginning of Section 3 we have noted that the second conjugate to is identified with . Hence we have the canonical embedding . The canonical surjection restricted to ( meaning here , a subset of ) yields a canonical map . In fact, the point mass at is linear and multiplicative on ; hence its restriction to (which is precisely )) belongs to . Similar restriction of the other canonical embedding results in . From the compactness of (which is a simplified notation for the weak-star closure of in ) and by the - continuity of , we get the closedness of resulting in one inclusion in the following lemma. (The other inclusion, namely, , results just from the continuity of .)

Lemma 9. The canonical projection maps this weak-star closure of onto the Gelfand closure of :

Theorem 10. If is a representing measure for then .

Proof. The functional is linear on and nonnegative. Hence, according to Riesz theorem, it is represented by a unique measure on . For we have ; hence , where denotes the push-forward measure of by the mapping . This means that
By Theorem 6 the band is reducing and we have . The measure is orthogonal to . So its singular part in the decomposition with respect to the band is also orthogonal to . But , since is concentrated on . Taking into account the positivity of and possessing the unit, so that , it must be and consequently . By the last assertion the measure must be concentrated on . (Recall that this is .) Hence, by (30) and Lemma 9, we deduce that is concentrated on .

Let be a Gleason part of . Denote by its weak-star closure in the -topology.

Proposition 11. If  , are different Gleason parts of , then .

Proof. Let and . Since , are different, we have . Hence there is a sequence such that and . We may assume that , so that . By Banach-Alaoglu Theorem, the sequence has an adherent point . We have , , and . For any and any we can find pairs of representing measures , on for and , respectively (treated as elements of ), such that the measures are mutually absolutely continuous and so are . Hence almost everywhere and almost everywhere. Consequently and so on and on . By the continuity of we get on and on . Let be constructed for in the same way as corresponded to in Corollary 2.6. Then is a characteristic function of and vanishes on .

5. Algebras of -Type

One of the approaches to study properties of , the algebra of bounded analytic functions on a given domain , is to consider its abstract counterpart, the algebra corresponding to a nontrivial Gleason part for a function algebra . The band of measures corresponding to is now considered as a Banach space, so that its dual space carries its weak-star topology.

Denote by the weak-star closure of in . Note that there is a unique meaning for the value of at any point . We say that satisfies the domination condition if

Theorem 12. If is a Gleason part of , then satisfies the domination condition.

Proof. By Theorem 6, we have ; hence for , which means that satisfies condition (32).

Proposition 13. The algebra is isometrically and algebraically isomorphic to .

Proof. Let . Then there is a net such that for . If we denote by the restriction of to then depends only on the equivalence class of and also for ; hence . This means that the mapping is well defined.
From the obvious relations for any , we get .
On the other hand, let . By Lemma 2.2 of [8], we can find a net such that and for each . Hence, by Banach-Alaoglu Theorem, the net has an adherent point . So for and . Consequently the norm of in is less than or equal to . It means that the mapping (34) is isometric and surjective. By Nagasawa’s theorem (see [9] V.31), it is also isomorphic (preserves both linear and multiplicative structure).

Corollary 14. is a subset of the spectrum of .

The following proposition (for its proof and details, see Proposition 2.8 of [10]) is a consequence of the Hahn-Banach theorem and Theorem 12.

Proposition 15. The band is equal to the norm closed linear span of all representing measures for points in , taken in the quotient space .

Note that for and we can define as the value of on a representing measure for . By the weak-star density of in , this value does not depend on the choice of representing measure. So the elements of can be regarded as functions on . Similarly as in Proposition 3.6 of [11], we can show the following.

Proposition 16. If is a bounded domain in and then the defined above mapping is a bounded analytic function of .

Proof. Let us consider an arbitrary point and a small open polydisc with the center at , included in . Without the loss of generality we can assume . Denote by the normalized Lebesgue measure on the Shilov boundary of and by the n-dimensional Cauchy kernel for . Then is a representing measure for (with respect to the algebra ). The measure is absolutely continuous with respect to and consequently is in .
On the other hand, every is analytic on , so for , , and by the weak-star density of in , also for , . Hence, by Cauchy’s theorem, is analytic near .

In the next theorem we consider a bounded domain of holomorphy such that its closure, , is the spectrum of , which plays the role of our initial uniform algebra . For this it suffices to assume either that is an intersection of a sequence of domains of holomorphy, that is, has a Stein neighbourhoods basis [12], or that it has a smooth boundary [13].

For the purpose of the proof we assume additionally that is a star-shaped domain.

Theorem 17. If   is a domain in satisfying the above conditions, then the algebras and are isometrically isomorphic.

Proof. We need to check whether in the sense of isometric embedding. Without loss of generality we can assume that is star-shaped with respect to 0. For and define as follows: (). The directed family has an adherent point . Passing to a suitable subnet, we can write for . In particular for any measure representing any . On the other hand for . Hence and agree on . By Proposition 15, the mapping is isometric. The surjectivity follows from Proposition 16.

Note that this provides also a direct representation of a predual to and since the multiplication is weak-star continuous, it shows that is a dual algebra. For the relevance of dual algebras to operator theory see [14].

6. A-Measures

Let be a Borel subset of which is a union of some Gleason parts of :

We say that a measure is an analytic measure for the algebra at the points of or, shortly, an A-measure at , if whenever is a bounded sequence converging to 0 pointwise on . The notion was introduced under the name “L-measures” by Henkin in [1] for , . This concept was useful not only in studying the isomorphisms between algebras of analytic functions over various domains , in approximation theory, but also in operator theory in the construction of analytic functional calculus in a given -tuple of commuting operators [15, 16].

All representing measures for points in are trivially A-measures. Our formulation of the so-called A-measures problem for the algebra at the points of is as follows.Does the absolute continuity of a measure on with respect to some representing measure of a point imply that is an A-measure at ?By the “classical case” we mean the situation when is a domain in and is either the algebra of complex continuous functions on , analytic on , or its subalgebra generated by the rational functions having no singularities on .

The problem was solved positively (by advanced complex analysis methods) for two special cases: for the algebra with by Henkin in [1] and by Cole with Range (see [17]) on strictly pseudoconvex bounded domains in (resp., on domains in complex manifolds) with boundaries and by Bekken [18] (and [15]) in the case of polydomains (cartesian product of planar domains). Bekken’s results hold also for equal to on compact product sets with . All these previous results will be covered by Theorem 19 below. In the latter case one needs to know that there are only countably many nontrivial Gleason parts of [2] VI 3.2.

Proposition 18. Any nonnegative A-measure at belongs to the band generated by .

Proof. By decomposing such a measure with respect to we may assume that belongs to . Applying equality (7) of Lemma 1 to in place of , we obtain . The last equality holds since is nonnegative. Now for some of norm 1 annihilated by we have close to 1. But , since it is annihilated by . Taking the constant sequence vanishing on , we get a contradiction to the assumption on being an A-measure.

Note that usually the A-measures problem is formulated in a slightly different way.Is any measure which is absolutely continuous with respect to a nonnegative A-measure itself an A-measure?

Theorem 19. If is a function algebra on and is equal to a countable union of its Gleason parts, then A-measures problem for the algebra at the points of has a positive solution.

Proof. Let us begin with the case when is equal to exactly one Gleason part . Let be a bounded sequence such that Let and . By Proposition 15 we can find a finite subset of and complex numbers such that , where the norm here is the quotient norm in (cf. Lemma 1) and is an arbitrary representing measure of (). By (36), we have , and consequently for big enough. Since was chosen arbitrarily we get .
In the countable union of parts case, the result follows after applying the Lebesgue-type decomposition.

Remark 20. To apply the above result for the algebra over a concrete domain it suffices to verify that is either the only nontrivial Gleason part of or a countable union of such parts, since the Lebesgue-type decomposition is then applicable. In this case the abstract formulation is equivalent to its classical version . Hence we get some generalizations of the previously known cases.

Corollary 21. The problem at the points of for has positive solution if is either a strictly pseudoconvex set in or a Cartesian product of a finite number of such domains.

This includes polydiscs, polydomains (products of bounded plane domains), and also products of balls with polydiscs.

Finally, as we can take with the domain satisfying the conditions of Theorem 17 to ensure that its Euclidean closure is the spectrum of .

Theorem 22. The A -measures problem for the algebra at all points of a countable union of its arbitrary Gleason parts has positive solution. In particular, this is applicable to the part corresponding to the domain if this domain satisfies the conditions of Theorem 17.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.