
pv. , causal agent of bacterial spot of tomato and pepper, had been considered for nearly 70 years to be a relatively homogeneous organism. However, in the past decade this bacterium was determined to be composed of two genetically and phenotypically distinct groups. The two groups, designated A and B, were distinguished based on amylolytic activity, expression of unique protein bands, reaction on differential hosts (tomato races T1 and T2), reaction patterns with monoclonal antibodies, DNA restriction profiles, and DNA:DNA hybridization. The A and B groups were placed into pv. and , respectively. A third group, designated C, was pathogenically (race T3) and serologically distinct from A and B strains, and formed unique DNA restriction profiles. DNA:DNA hybridization data suggest that C is distinct but related to A strains and may represent a subspecies of A. A final group, designated D, consisted of , an organism identified in Yugoslavia in 1957, and also found in Costa Rica. Group D was determined to be genetically distinct from strains within the other two groups; it represents a third species pathogenic on tomato and pepper.


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