
We present a brief summary on the most recent progress in the design of catalysts for electrochemical reduction of oxygen. The main challenge in the wide spread of fuel cell technology is to lower the content of, or even eliminate, Pt and other precious metals in catalysts without sacrificing their performance. Pt-based nanosized catalysts with novel and refined architectures continue to dominate in catalytic performance, and formation of Pt-skin-like surfaces is key to achieving the highest values in activity. Moreover, durability has also been improved in Pt-based systems with addition of Au, which plays an important role in stabilizing the Pt topmost layers against dissolution. However, various carbon-based materials without precious metal have shown improvement in activity and durability and have been explored to serve as catalyst supports. Understanding how the doped elements interact with each other and/or carbon is challenging and necessary in the design of robust fuel cell catalysts.


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