Original paper

A syntaxonomical study of Pinus nigra subsp. salzmannii forests in the Iberian peninsula

Regato, P.; Gamsians, J.; Gruber, M.

Phytocoenologia Band 25 Heft 4 (1995), p. 561 - 578

35 references

published: Dec 14, 1995

DOI: 10.1127/phyto/25/1995/561

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Pinus nigra subsp. salzmannii is a submediterranean conifer characteristic of the cold, continental mediterranean mountains. It grows mainly on carbonate sedimentary rocks (dolomite and limestone) and represents the dominant overstorey species at the Supramediterranean altitudinal zone, where two climatic climax communities are described: Lonicero xylostei-Pinetum salzmanii and Thalictro tuberosi-Pinetum salzmanii. In the southernmost mountains of the Iberian peninsula Pinus nigra subsp. salzmannii also forms open forests with climax value at the Oro-mediterranean altitudinal zone, at the timber-line. Pinus nigra subsp. salzmannii also defines several edaphoclimax communities in rocky and steep slopes of the Supra-mediterranean altitudinal zone and, as a result of human disturbance, secondary communities in the Meso-mediterranean altitudinal zone.


Bioclimate levelClimax vegetationPhytosociological communityPinewood forestsSpain