Original paper

Zur Einbürgerung des Perückenstrauches (Cotinus coggygria Scop.) an einem xerothermen Muschelkalkhang bei Jena in Thüringen

Schlüter, Heinz

Phytocoenologia Band 23 Heft 1-4 (1993), p. 637 - 650

24 references

published: Dec 15, 1993

DOI: 10.1127/phyto/23/1993/637

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ArtNo. ESP024002300031, Price: 29.00 €

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Near Jena 500 km northwest of its natural east-submediterranean area (cf. Fig. 1) Cotinus coggygria grows synanthropically on a craggy percipice of Muschelkalk-limestone with a southern exposure. Here there is much conformity with its natural situation (e.g. in Hungary) as regards the site and vegetation structure (cf. Table 1) with polycormons under xerothermic conditions. This is a convincing example for "Relative Site Constancy" and provides circumstantial evidence for stable introduction of Cotinus coggygria in Thuringia within the last hundred years.


JenaMuschelkalk-limestoneCotinus coggygriaGermany