Original paper

Xerothermic chasmophytic vegetation of the central Mediterranean Basin: a nomenclatural revision

Terzi, Massimo; Jasprica, Nenad; Caković, Danka

Phytocoenologia Band 47 Heft 4 (2017), p. 365 - 382

105 references

published: Dec 1, 2017
published online: Aug 30, 2017
manuscript accepted: Apr 20, 2017
manuscript revision received: Apr 13, 2017
manuscript revision requested: Mar 9, 2017
manuscript received: Jan 8, 2017

DOI: 10.1127/phyto/2017/0185

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Abstract Aims: This paper aims to revise the nomenclature of the Asplenietalia glandulosi and its vicariant orders in the central Mediterranean Basin, up to the association/subassociation level, in order to sort out the inconsistencies found in scientific literature. Study area: Central Mediterranean Basin, from France to Greece. Methods: The nomenclatural revision was based on the 3rd edition of the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. Results: Altogether, 157 syntaxon names were checked, including one class, five orders, 12 alliances and 139 associations and subassociations. As a result, many syntaxon names and author citations were corrected and one alliance (Brassicion insularis), 11 associations (Anthemido cupanianae-Centaureetum busambarensis, Asperulo chloranthae-Moltkietum petraeae, Asplenio lepidi-Moehringietum tommasinii, Centaureetum ragusinae, Geranio dalmatici-Ramondetum serbicae, Inuletum rotundifoliae, Inulo parnassicae-Ptilostemetum chamaepeuces, Micromerio kerneri-Onosmetum dalmaticae, Micromerio microphyllae-Putorietum calabricae, Moltkio petraeae-Campanuletum lepidae, Teucrio arduinii-Seselietum globiferi) and 20 subassociations were validated. Four neotypifications and 12 lectotypifications were done. Conclusions: The stabilization of the phytosociological nomenclature for the Asplenietalia glandulosi and its vicariant orders in the central Mediterranean Basin represents a first basic stage towards the syntaxonomic revision of chasmophytic vegetation in southern Europe. Moreover, the identification of the precise meaning of each syntaxon name, through its nomenclatural type or original diagnosis, will support actions for safeguarding and monitoring biodiversity of chasmophytic habitats.
 Nomenclature: The Euro+Med PlantBase (http://ww2.bgbm.org/EuroPlusMed/) (accessed November 2016). Abbreviation: All. = alliance; art. = article of the ICPN (Weber et al. 2000); Ass. = association; Cl. = class; col. = column; EVC = EuroVegChecklist by Mucina et al. (2016); HT = holotypus; ICPN = 3rd edition of the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (Weber et al. 2000); LT = lectotypus; nSYN = nomenclatural or homotypical synonyms; OFN = Original form of the name; Ord. = order; p. = page; rec. = recommendations of the ICPN (Weber et al. 2000); rel. = relevé; Subass. = subassociation; sSYN = syntaxonomic or heterotypical synonyms; SYN = synonyms.
 Submitted: 8 January 2017; first decision: 9 March 2017; accepted: 20 April 2017


Asplenietea trichomanisICPNMediterraneanphytosociological nomenclaturerupicolous vegetation