Original paper

Styles and new stigma characters in Mutisieae s.str. (Asteraceae-Mutisioideae) in comparison with genera of traditionally circumscribed Mutisieae

Erbar, Claudia; Leins, Peter

Plant Diversity and Evolution Volume 131 No. 4 (2016), p. 363 - 393

published: Feb 1, 2016
published online: Feb 16, 2016
manuscript accepted: Dec 9, 2015
manuscript revision received: Dec 9, 2015
manuscript revision requested: Nov 22, 2015
manuscript received: Oct 9, 2015

DOI: 10.1127/pde/2016/0131-0086

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Abstract After splitting and transference of traditionally circumscribed Mutisieae based on molecular analyses, the remaining Mutisieae together with Nassauvieae and Onoserideae have been elevated to subfamilial rank: Mutisioideae (see Fig. 84). Within the tribe Mutisieae, a characteristic arrangement of receptive stigmatic tissue occurs: an inversely U-shaped stigma on the inside of the stylar branches, realized either by the loss of receptivity of the papillate median tissue or by adhesion of the stylar branches to each other mediated by their median ventral tissues. A separation into two stigmatic stripes, confluent at the apex of the stylar branches and sterile papillate tissue in between, also occurs in Pertyeae. Stylar branch adhesion characterizes Wunderlichieae within Wunderlichioideae and is found besides continuously arranged stigmata within Carduoideae, namely in Dicomeae and Cardueae (the latter not part of former Mutisieae), in Onoserideae and, surprisingly, in Mutisia coccinea. In general, we can state that an inversely U-shaped stigma has evolved several times (Fig. 84). This stigma arrangement can be observed (although with a non-papillate sterile median area) occasionally in Asteroideae and can be derived from the most common stigma arrangement in this subfamily, namely the two marginal lines not confluent at the stylar branch apex (Fig. 85).


Basal Asteraceaestyle morphologystigma arrangementphylogeny