Original paper

Phylogenetic analysis and description of two new species of pollen-parasitic Retiarius (anamorphic Orbiliomycetes)

Magyar, Donát; Merényi, Zsolt; Körmöczi, Péter; Bratek, Zoltán; Kredics, László

Nova Hedwigia Band 105 Heft 3-4 (2017), p. 411 - 423

published: Nov 1, 2017

DOI: 10.1127/nova_hedwigia/2017/0420

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ArtNo. ESP050010503009, Price: 29.00 €

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The new species Retiarius goenczoelii and R. revayae are described and illustrated from pollen grains deposited on tree bark in Hungary. These fungi capture pollen grains like other Retiarius spp. Conidia of R. goenczoelii resemble those of R. bovicornutus and Trinacrium spp. with regard to general morphology but differ from all previously described species in having longer arms, while the conidia of Retiarius revayae have a longer main axis. Morphological examinations are supported by molecular phylogenetic methods whereby ITS and LSU regions have been obtained for the first time for the genus Retiarius. Some ecological aspects and the occurrence of R. bovicornutus are also discussed.


pollen degradationdirect pcr from conidiumhyphomycetes