Original paper

A Taxonomic Monograph of Equisetum Subgenus Equisetum

Hauke, Richard L.

Nova Hedwigia Band 30 Heft 1-4 (1979), p. 385 - 456

99 references

published: Feb 1, 1979

DOI: 10.1127/nova.hedwigia/30/1979/385

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The genus Equisetum has long attracted the attention of botanists because it is the sole extant representative of a subdivision (or by some authors considered a division) of the vascular plants. Morphologists and paleobotanists in particular have been interested in it as a key element in trying to understand the evolution of vascular plants, and to interpret fossils of the Equisetophytina (Sphenopsida). This genus has also attracted the attention of plant chemists, because of its ability to take up and deposit silica. Other botanists, doing surveys of various aspects of the plant kingdom, have studied Equisetum as representative of one major group of plants.


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