Original paper

Spectres of biostratigraphic resolution and precision: Rock accumulation rates, processes of speciation and paleoecological constraints

Fåhræus, Lars E.

Newsletters on Stratigraphy Volume 15 Number 3 (1986), p. 150 - 162

37 references

published: Feb 3, 1986

DOI: 10.1127/nos/15/1986/150

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In recent years many biostratigraphic zonations proposed in the literature either imply or directly state such a fine biostratigraphic resolution that it in many cases has to be considered beyond the point of practical reproducebility, i. e. correlations attempted back onto such zonations carry with them little or no precision. This is particularly true for studies involving Lower and Middle Paleozoic strata. The reasons for this are that such influencing variables as rock accumulation rates, actual age of strata dealt with, reasonable life spans of the taxa involved and their paleoecology, together with possible processes of speciation, are frequently not taken into consideration when proposing zonations with a high biostratigraphic resolution. However, since precision of biostratigraphic correlations can be expected to be inversely related to the proposed resolution, all of these factors have to be considered when establishing and using bio-zonations for purposes of chrono-correlations.


biostratigraphic zonationsLower Paleozoic strataMiddle Paleozoic strata