Original paper

The influence of anthropogenic factors on the structure of aquatic macrophytes vegetation in the Hurbanovsky canal (South Slovakia)

Dorotovicová, Cs; Otahelová, H.

Large Rivers Vol. 18 No. 1-2 (2008), p. 81 - 90

27 references

published: May 21, 2008

DOI: 10.1127/lr/18/2008/81

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Aquatic macrophyte vegetation was surveyed in the heavily man-modified watercourse of the Hurbanovsky canal (Danube lowland) in 2004. The investigation aimed to analyse the changes in species composition, diversity, and plant mass of aquatic vegetation in relation to some anthropogenic factors (land-use type, the survey units distance of the town sewage plant, and of two effluent channels from agricultural land), and abiotic parameters (water depth and width, sediments size) along the canal. The analysis of anthropogenic factors impacts was carried out using the CCA gradient analysis. Eleven truly aquatic plants, 32 helophytes, and filamentous algae were recorded in the canal. The land-use type has manifested the highest impact on the species data set variation in the canal, distinctly exhibited by the "urban fabric". Distance factors of the water effluent from the town sewage plant and agricultural run-offs have shown moderate significance.