Original paper

Biotope management on the Austrian Danube

Dieplinger, K.; Leberl, S.; Zauner, G.

Large Rivers Vol. 10 No. 1-4 (1996), p. 219 - 228

10 references

published: Sep 18, 1996

DOI: 10.1127/lr/10/1996/219

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The River Danube, its shorelines, oxbows, wetland forests and meadows form an interwoven corridor for a rich but endangered flora and fauna. Hydropower developments and river regulation have disrupted much of the original environment. Proposals are outlined for preserving the last two naturally-flowing stretches of the Austrian Danube and to improve the impoundment areas ecologically. Effective programmes of biotope management are considered briefly.


wetland forestmeadowshydropowerbiotope managementAustrian Danube