Original paper

Demonstration of Female Sex Pheromones and Adult Behaviour in Molanna angustata (Trichoptera: Molannidae)

Solem, John O.; Petersson, Erik

Entomologia Generalis Volume 12 Number 2-3 (1987), p. 115 - 118

8 references

published: Jun 1, 1987

DOI: 10.1127/entom.gen/12/1987/115

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Sticky traps baited with extracts of whole bodies of females of Molanna angustata Curtis 1834 attracted significantly more males than the controls. This concluded that these extracts contained a female sex pheromone, which attracted males from a distance to places where receptive females were present. At these places, close to water, males of M. angustata also performed a swarming or courtship dance. Sequences in this dance are given. It was not possible to determine if females took part in this dance.


Adult BehaviourMolannidaeMolanna anguastata