Original paper

Biometric sex estimation using the scapula and clavicle in a modern Greek population

Koukiasa, Aimilia E.; Eliopoulos, Constantine; Manolis, Sotiris K.

Anthropologischer Anzeiger Volume 74 No. 3 (2017), p. 241 - 246

published: Sep 1, 2017
published online: Aug 1, 2017
manuscript accepted: Jun 12, 2017
manuscript revision received: May 22, 2017
manuscript revision requested: Nov 25, 2016
manuscript received: Apr 13, 2016

DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/2017/0658

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Abstract Human skeletal remains exhibit sexual dimorphism, which is apparent in adult living individuals as well. Researchers from forensic and osteoarchaeological fields have a growing interest in establishing metric standards for sexing by use of discriminant function analysis. The present study focuses on providing sex estimation metric standards using measurements from the scapula and clavicle in a Modern Greek sample (Athens Collection) consisting of 107 male and 90 female skeletons. A total of seven measurements were taken: maximum scapular height and breadth, glenoid cavity height and breadth, maximum clavicular length, anterior and superior clavicular diameter. The calculation of Sexual Dimorphism Index showed a significant degree of sexual dimorphism on both bones ranging from 10% to 18%. Statistical analysis provided the discriminant functions with an accuracy of correct sex estimation between 84.9% and 91.4%, and showed that the highest accuracy rate was obtained from the left scapula measurements; proving that this bone can be a useful tool in providing an accurate sex estimation in skeletal remains of Modern Greek origin.


sexual dimorphismsexingAthens CollectionGreece