Original paper

Testing the Trametes hirsuta complex

Malysheva, Vera F.; Zmitrovich, Ivan V.

Nova Hedwigia Band 93 Heft 1-2 (2011), p. 57 - 71

published: Aug 1, 2011

DOI: 10.1127/0029-5035/2011/0093-0057

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The present paper is devoted to a molecular approach in distinguishing relationships within basic taxa of the Trametes hirsuta complex. The specimens corresponded to 'average types' of T. hirsuta, T. pubescens, and T. velutina were selected for the present investigation. The performed molecular phylogenetic analyses (MP and ML) support widespread recognition of two groups within the complex, with corresponding names, T. hirsuta and T. pubescens. These two groups appear in the cladograms as robust non-sister clades. The group corresponding to T. velutina is dispersed within the T. pubescens-clade. As a whole, the correlation between morphological and molecular species delimitation is rather clear. The precise morphological descriptions of two taxa are given.


trametes hirsutatrametes pubescenstrametes velutinamolecular phylogenymorphologyvariability