Original paper

Revision of the records of Brachymenium commutatum (Bryophyta, Bryaceae) in Europe

Ros, R.M. Rams

Nova Hedwigia Band 84 Heft 1-2 (2007), p. 241 - 247

published: Feb 1, 2007

DOI: 10.1127/0029-5035/2007/0084-0241

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The specimens on which the reports of Brachymenium commutatum in Europe are based have been revised. These comprise the type of B. commutatum var. hispanicum and four more recent collections, all from the Sierra Nevada, Spain. Lectotypes are designated for Brachymenium commutatum and B. commutatum var. hispanicum. The latter taxon is synonymised with Bryum caespiticium, dwarfed forms of which are common at high elevations in the Sierra Nevada. It is concluded that Brachymenium commutatum should be excluded from the European list.


european bryophyte floraspaintaxonomybryaceaebrachymenium commutatumb. commutatum var. hispanicum