Original paper

Contribution to the flora of Portugal, lichens and lichenicolous fungi III

vanden Boom, P.P.G.

Nova Hedwigia Band 76 Heft 1-2 (2003), p. 157 - 171

published: Feb 1, 2003

DOI: 10.1127/0029-5035/2003/0076-0157

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: Two hundred eighteen lichens, lichenicolous fungi or allied taxa are reported from Montesinho Natural Park. This area is situated in the most north-eastern part of Portugal. Thirteen species and one variety are new to the country. Several records are from very rare lichens in Portugal and Schaereria cinereorufa is recorded as an epiphyte for the first time. An annotated list for most important records is given. A preliminary checklist regarding lichens, lichenicolous fungi or allied taxa of Montesinho is provided.