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Effectors of the Rab small GTPases are large multi-domain proteins which have proved difficult to express in soluble form in Escherichia coli. Generally, effectors are recruited to a distinct subcellular compartment by active (GTP-bound) Rabs, which are linked to membranes by one or two prenylated Cys residues at their C-termini. Following recruitment via their Rab-binding domain (RBD), effectors carry out various aspects of vesicle formation, transport, tethering and fusion through their other domains. Previously, successful purification of the RUN–PLAT tandem domains (residues 683–1061) of the 1263-residue Rab6-interacting protein 1 (R6IP1) required co-expression with Rab6, as attempts to solubly express the effector alone were unsuccessful. R6IP1 is also known as DENN domain-containing protein 5 (DENND5) and is expressed as two isoforms, R6IP1A/B (DENND5A/B), which differ by 24 amino acids at the N-terminus. Here, a deletion in R6IP1 was engineered to enable soluble expression and to improve the quality of the crystals grown in complex with Rab6. A large 23-residue loop linking two α-helices in the RUN1 domain was removed and replaced with a short linker. This loop resides on the opposite face to the Rab6-binding site and is not conserved in the RUN-domain family. In contrast to wild-type R6IP1–Rab6 crystals, which took several weeks to grow to full size, the engineered R6IP1 (RPdel)–Rab6 crystals could be grown in a matter of days.

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