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The NADP+-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase from Thermococcus litoralis has been crystallized by the hanging-drop method of vapour diffusion using an ammonium sulfate and PEG mixture as the precipitant. The crystals belong to the monoclinic system and are in space group C2 with unit-cell dimensions a = 142.7, b = 202.0, c = 125.8 Å with β = 113.1° with a hexamer in the asymmetric unit. T. Litoralis, a hyperthermophilic organism, belongs to the family of Archaea and has a maximum growth temperature of about 370 K. The glutamate dehydrogenase isolated from this organism has a half-life of 2 h at 373 K and a comparison of this structure with that of other GluDH's from hyperthermophilic organisms and from mesophiles will contribute to an understanding of the molecular mechanisms which underlie thermostability.
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