Direct evidence for localized motion of hydrogen in Cd-H complexes in silicon

M. Gebhard, B. Vogt, and W. Witthuhn
Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 847 – Published 12 August 1991
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The locally restricted motion of hydrogen and deuterium which are trapped at Cd acceptors in silicon has been studied by perturbed-angular-correlation spectroscopy. Close Cd-H and Cd-D pairs were identified by their characteristic electric-field gradients. The kinetics of these complexes was extracted directly from the time spectra. In the temperature region between 270 and 430 K clear evidence has been found for thermally activated motion of hydrogen or deuterium about the Cd with an activation energy of 0.21 eV for both hydrogen as well as deuterium. The isotropic-mass-dependent attempt frequencies are in the order of 109 s1. The ratio of the frequency for hydrogen relative to that for deuterium is νH/νD=3.3(1.3).

  • Received 28 February 1991


©1991 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

M. Gebhard, B. Vogt, and W. Witthuhn

  • Physikalisches Institut der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 8520 Erlangen, Germany

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Vol. 67, Iss. 7 — 12 August 1991

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