Divergence Measurements of Soft—X-Ray Laser Beam

S. Suckewer, C. H. Skinner, D. Kim, E. Valeo, D. Voorhees, and A. Wouters
Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 1004 – Published 25 August 1986; Erratum Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 1963 (1986)
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The divergence of the C VI 182-Å lasing line generated in a rapidly recombining, magnetically confined plasma column was measured with soft—x-ray spectrometers equipped with multichannel detectors. In addition to measurements of the relative divergence, an absolute divergence of ∼9 mrad at a magnetic field of 20 kG and ∼5 mrad at a magnetic field of 35 or 50 kG was obtained by a direct scan of the 182-Å axial radiation. Based on these data a peak 182-Å power of ∼100 kW is obtained. Calculations of the spatial distribution of gain in the plasma were in very good agreement with the experimental data.

  • Received 27 May 1986


©1986 American Physical Society


Divergence Measurements of Soft-X-Ray Laser Beam.

S. Suckewer, C. H. Skinner, D. Kim, E. Valeo, D. Voorhees, and A. Wouters
Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 1963 (1986)

Authors & Affiliations

S. Suckewer, C. H. Skinner, D. Kim, E. Valeo, D. Voorhees, and A. Wouters

  • Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544

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Vol. 57, Iss. 8 — 25 August 1986

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