Minima of the orientation phenomena for direct s-p electron-ion excitations in dense plasmas

Young-Dae Jung and In-Duck Cho
Phys. Rev. E 52, 5333 – Published 1 November 1995
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Close-encounter effects on electron-ion sp oriented excitations in dense plasmas are investigated using a first-order semiclassical straight-line trajectory method. Plasma-screened interaction potential is given by the classical nonspherical Debye-Hückel model. Without using the dipole approximation, the transition probabilities and orientation parameters are obtained, for various Debye lengths and projectile energies. Including the plasma-screening effects, the transition probabilities are increased for 1s→2p+1 transitions and decreased for 1s→2p1 transitions. The close-encounter effects appreciably change the transition probabilities and orientation parameters for small impact parameters. It is found that the 1s→2p+1 transition probabilities and orientation parameters have minima that correspond to the complete 1s→2p1 transitions.

  • Received 25 May 1995


©1995 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Young-Dae Jung and In-Duck Cho

  • Department of Physics, Hanyang University, Ansan, Kyunggi-Do 425-791, South Korea

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Vol. 52, Iss. 5 — November 1995

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