Towards an Abelian formulation of lattice QCD confinement

Ken Yee
Phys. Rev. D 49, 2574 – Published 1 March 1994
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We probe for operators occurring in the APQCD (Abelian-projected QCD) action by evaluating Abelian-projected one-plaquette spectral densities in pure gauge SU(3) fixed to the maximal Abelian gauge. Couplings B¯APQCD(q,L) are extracted from the spectral densities for each representation q, L×L plaquette. We interpret our results to indicate that q=L=1 plaquettes dominate the APQCD action. We also see evidence for weakly coupled L=2 plaquettes in the APQCD action since the L dependence of B¯APQCD(q,L) at L=2 deviates from what is expected if the APQCD action had no L=2 plaquettes. Moreover, a comparison of B¯APQCD to B¯QED from a numerical simulation of compact QED indicates that B¯APQCD(1,1)>B¯QED(1,1) even if βQED>βc. Since B¯QED(1,1) monotonically increases with increasing βQED and compact QED is not confining when βQED>βc, the presence of L>1 operators is required if APQCD is confining.

  • Received 28 September 1993


©1994 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Ken Yee*

  • Department of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803-4001

  • *Electronic address:

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Vol. 49, Iss. 5 — 1 March 1994

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