Low-lying states of the six-dimensional fractional superstring

Philip C. Argyres, Edwin Lyman, and S. -H. Henry Tye
Phys. Rev. D 46, 4533 – Published 15 November 1992
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The K=4 fractional superstring Fock space is constructed in terms of Z4 parafermions and free bosons. The bosonization of the Z4 parafermion theory and the generalized commutation relations satisfied by the modes of various parafermion fields are reviewed. In this preliminary analysis, we describe a Fock space which is simply a tensor product of Z4 parafermion and free boson Fock spaces. It is larger than the Lorentz-covariant Fock space indicated by the fractional superstring partition function. We derive the form of the fractional superconformal algebra that may be used as the constraint algebra for the physical states of the fractional superstring. Issues concerning the associativity, modings, and braiding properties of the fractional superconformal algebra are also discussed. The use of the constraint algebra to obtain physical state conditions on the spectrum is illustrated by an application to the massless fermions and bosons of the K=4 fractional superstring. However, we fail to generalize these considerations to the massive states. This means that the appropriate constraint algebra on the fractional superstring Fock space remains to be found. Some possible ways of doing this are discussed.

  • Received 1 June 1992


©1992 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Philip C. Argyres*, Edwin Lyman, and S. -H. Henry Tye

  • Newman Laboratory of Nuclear Studies Cornell University Ithaca, New York 14853-5001

  • *Electronic address: pca@strange.tn.cornell.edu
  • Electronic address: lyman@beauty.tn.cornell.edu

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Vol. 46, Iss. 10 — 15 November 1992

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