Resonant substructure in K¯πππ decays of D mesons

D. Coffman et al. (Mark III Collaboration)
Phys. Rev. D 45, 2196 – Published 1 April 1992
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We determine the resonant substructure of DK¯πππ decays, extracting the relative fractions and phases of the amplitudes contributing to the Kπ+π+π, K¯0π+π+π, Kπ+π+π0, and K¯0π+ππ0 final states. We find that two-body decay modes account for at least 75% of these decays. We obtain branching ratios for DK¯a1(1260), DK¯*ρ, DK¯1(1270)π, DK¯1(1400)π, and D0K¯0ω decay modes, as well as for several three- and four-body decay modes. In the case of DK¯a1(1260) and DK¯*ρ, we obtain the branching ratios for all three possible isospin combinations, enabling us to extract the isospin-½ and -32 amplitudes, and their relative phases. We find that the isospin-32 amplitudes are suppressed relative to the isospin-½ amplitudes. This implies that the widths of the D+ modes are suppressed relative to those of the D0, confirming that an understanding of the lifetime difference of the D0 and D+ depends on an understanding of two-body hadronic decays. For the DK¯*ρ decay modes, we obtain detailed information on the polarization of the K¯* and ρ. This enables us to place constraints on the form factors for DK¯* and Dρ transitions. A comparison of our results on DK¯*ρ decays with recent results on semileptonic decays allows us to test the factorization hypothesis.

  • Received 23 September 1991


©1992 American Physical Society

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Vol. 45, Iss. 7 — 1 April 1992

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