Effect of spin excitations with simultaneous magnetic- and electric-dipole character on the static magnetoelectric properties of multiferroic materials

Dávid Szaller, Sándor Bordács, Vilmos Kocsis, Toomas Rõõm, Urmas Nagel, and István Kézsmárki
Phys. Rev. B 89, 184419 – Published 27 May 2014


We derive a sum rule to demonstrate that the static magnetoelectric (ME) effect is governed by optical transitions that are simultaneously excited by the electric and magnetic components of light. The ME sum rule is applicable to a broad class of materials lacking the spatial inversion and the time-reversal symmetries, including multiferroic compounds. Due to the dynamical ME effect, the optical excitations in these materials can exhibit directional dichroism, i.e., the absorption coefficient can be different for counter-propagating light beams. According to the ME sum rule, the magnitude of the linear ME effect of a material is mainly determined by the directional dichroism of its low-energy optical excitations. An application of the sum rule to the multiferroic Ba2CoGe2O7, Sr2CoSi2O7, and Ca2CoSi2O7 shows that in these compounds the static ME effect is mostly governed by the directional dichroism of the spin-wave excitations in the giga-terahertz spectral range. On this basis, we argue that the studies of directional dichroism and the application of the ME sum rule promote the synthesis of new materials with large static ME effect.

  • Figure
  • Received 13 January 2014
  • Revised 28 April 2014


©2014 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Dávid Szaller1, Sándor Bordács2, Vilmos Kocsis1, Toomas Rõõm3, Urmas Nagel3, and István Kézsmárki1,4

  • 1Department of Physics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 1111 Budapest, Hungary
  • 2Quantum-Phase Electronics Center, Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
  • 3National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Akadeemia tee 23, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia
  • 4MTA-BME Condensed Matter Research Group, 1111 Budapest, Hungary

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Vol. 89, Iss. 18 — 1 May 2014

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