Nonscattered states in a random-dimer model

P. K. Datta, D. Giri, and K. Kundu
Phys. Rev. B 47, 10727 – Published 15 April 1993
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We study a random-dimer model within the context of a tight-binding Hamiltonian in one dimension. This model may be useful in understanding the transport properties of the polyaniline system. As a prelude to our understanding we consider a few simple but relevant models. For these cases we investigate the behavior of the phase of the transmission coefficient. From the study of these models we conclude that many resonances merge around the dimer energy in the random-dimer model. Our subsequent analysis of the random-dimer model proves this conjecture. This analysis, however, does not yield the number of nonscattered states in the system. According to Dunlap, Wu, and Phillips [Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 88 (1990)] there will be √N nonscattered states around the dimer energy. To obtain the number of nonscattered states we study the transmission coefficient. We find that the averaged transmission coefficient yields approximately a Lorentzian curve. Furthermore, there is an energy width where the transmission coefficient is approximately unity. For a high concentration of dimers and dimer energy well inside the host band we find √N nonscattered states. A similar number of nonscattered states is obtained for a low concentration of dimers and dimer energy near the band edge. In general we find a discernable discrepancy between the observed half-width and the calculated half-width. The discrepancy is quite significant when the dimer energy is close to one of the band edges. On the basis of these results we speculate that the averaged half-width scales as Nλ when λ is a function of both the concentration and the energy of the dimer.

  • Received 17 August 1992


©1993 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

P. K. Datta, D. Giri, and K. Kundu

  • Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar 751005, India

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Vol. 47, Iss. 16 — 15 April 1993

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