Neutron-radiation-induced flux pinning in Gd-doped YBa2Cu3O7x and GdBa2Cu3O7x

K. E. Sickafus, J. O. Willis, P. J. Kung, W. B. Wilson, D. M. Parkin, M. P. Maley, F. W. Clinard, Jr., C. J. Salgado, R. P. Dye, and K. M. Hubbard
Phys. Rev. B 46, 11862 – Published 1 November 1992
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The critical current density Jc in Y0.9Gd0.1Ba2Cu3O7x was found to increase relative to the unirradiated value following neutron irradiations in a mixed-spectrum reactor (total neutron fluences ranged between 1×1017 and 2×1018 n/cm2). Additional neutron irradiations of structurally similar GdBa2Cu3O7x were carried out in either a highly thermalized or a pure fast-neutron environment (in the same reactor). This was done to determine whether enhancements in Jc are to be attributed to defects arising from interactions with thermal neutrons (En∼0.025 eV) or with fast neutrons (En>0.1 MeV). Magnetic-hysteresis measurements on these samples indicate that flux pinning (and thereby Jc) is enhanced by fast-neutron irradition, but not by thermal-neutron irradiation. On the other hand, the critical temperature Tc is significantly altered by exposure both to thermal and fast neutrons. It is proposed that thermal neutrons induce the formation of Frenkel pair defects on the rare-earth sublattice, but that these point defects do not serve as effective flux-pinning centers.

  • Received 30 March 1992


©1992 American Physical Society

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Vol. 46, Iss. 18 — 1 November 1992

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