Interfacial stiffening of Cu, Ni, and Ag thin films on the Ru(0001) surface

David G. O’Neill and J. E. Houston
Phys. Rev. B 42, 2792 – Published 15 August 1990
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We have studied the vibrational behavior of overlayer films of Cu, Ni, and Ag grown on the Ru(0001) surface as a function of film thickness. Specifically, we have measured the thermal mean-square vibrational amplitude, through a Debye-Waller analysis of low-energy electron diffraction, for films having thicknesses ranging between 1 and 10 monolayers. The analysis indicates that the strong interfacial interaction, which gives rise to a pseudomorphic structure for 1 monolayer Cu and Ni films, also results in a reduction in the overlayer vibrational amplitude (i.e., the films are stiffened by the interaction). In addition, we find that this interfacial stiffening is long ranged and requires overlayer-film thicknesses in excess of about 10 monolayers to heal to bulklike values. In contrast, Ag is found not to grow pseudomorphically at the 1-monolayer level, and the vibrational behavior shows a lesser degree of stiffening and a much more rapid healing to bulklike values. These findings are discussed in terms of the instrumental aspects of the Debye-Waller analysis, and in terms of the I-V character of the diffraction process, and are contrasted with similar studies of the structural and electronic properties of film growth for these overlayer systems.

  • Received 18 April 1990


©1990 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

David G. O’Neill and J. E. Houston

  • Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185-5800

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Vol. 42, Iss. 5 — 15 August 1990

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