Stopping powers and energy loss of Mylar, Kapton, Havar, and Ni for 10 Z=3–17 ions in the energy range 0.2–2.1 MeV/amu

J. Räisänen and E. Rauhala
Phys. Rev. B 41, 3951 – Published 1 March 1990
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Stopping powers of Mylar, Kapton, Havar, and nickel for 0.27–1.94 MeV/amu B11 ions, 1.27–2.07 MeV/amu C12, 0.58–1.80 MeV/amu N14, and for 0.67–1.78 MeV/amu O16 ions have been determined. Energy loss and stopping powers of Mylar were measured for Al27, Si28, P31, S32, and Cl35 ions having energies between 7.6 and 24.6 MeV. Direct beam exposure of the foils was avoided by using a modified transmission geometry. Proton-energy loss, in the same geometry and at exactly the spot of the heavy-ion beam on the foils, was taken as a measure of foil thickness. The present data are brought together with our recent measurements of the stopping powers of the materials in this study for Li7, B11, C12, N14, and O16 ions. The experimental stopping powers are compared with predictions of two semiempirical scaling models, used in conjunction with Bragg’s additivity rule, and with the stopping powers obtained by the trim-89 computer code. Comparisons have also been performed with the scanty experimental data in the literature. The systematics and the deviations of the stopping powers from the calculated predictions are discussed.

  • Received 2 October 1989


©1990 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

J. Räisänen and E. Rauhala

  • Accelerator Laboratory, University of Helsinki, Hämeentie 100, SF-00550 Helsinki, Finland

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Vol. 41, Iss. 7 — 1 March 1990

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