Electronic band structure and nonparabolicity in strained-layer Si-Si1xGex superlattices

R. J. Turton, M. Jaros, and I. Morrison
Phys. Rev. B 38, 8397 – Published 15 October 1988
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We report a pseudopotential calculation of the nonparabolicity of the conduction and valence minibands for Si-Si1xGex strained-layer superlattices of period 1030 Å. We find that the conduction-band nonparabolicity in directions both perpendicular (z) and parallel to the interface planes is several orders of magnitude larger than that for bulk silicon and is comparable in magnitude with the value for bulk GaAs. Along the superlattice axis (z), the conduction-band nonparabolicity is dominated by virtual transitions involving the lowest conduction states and strongly reflects the energy separation between them. Since this separation depends on strain and layer widths, the magnitude of this nonparabolicity can be ‘‘tuned’’ over 2 orders of magnitude. In the valence band, and along the direction parallel to the interface planes in the conduction band, the nonparabolicity is dominated by virtual excitations across the fundamental gap. The effective masses are also presented. A comparison is given of the mechanisms determining band nonparabolicity in Si-Si1xGex, GaAs-Ga1xAlxAs, and GaAs-GaAs1xPx superlattices.

  • Received 21 March 1988


©1988 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

R. J. Turton, M. Jaros, and I. Morrison

  • Department of Theoretical Physics, The University, Newcastle Upon Tyne
  • Department of Theoretical Physics, The University, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE17RU, United Kingdom

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Vol. 38, Iss. 12 — 15 October 1988

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