Collapse transition of branched polymers with a tunable number of loops

I. S. Chang and Y. Shapir
Phys. Rev. B 38, 6736 – Published 1 October 1988
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Branched polymers described by bond lattice animals will undergo a collapse transition if the fugacity for loops is increased. Based on analysis of extensive enumerations by Sykes and collaborators of cubic-lattices embeddings, we conclude that the specific heat diverges if the tricritical point is approached, keeping the number of occupied sites constant, but exhibits a cusp if the number of bonds is fixed. This behavior is explained in terms of a ‘‘Fisher renormalization.’’

  • Received 19 April 1988


©1988 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

I. S. Chang and Y. Shapir

  • Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York 14627-0011

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Vol. 38, Iss. 10 — 1 October 1988

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