Crossed-beam study of the charge-transfer reaction of helium ions with xenon

S. Howard, A. Rockwood, S. Anderson, F. Howorka, and J. Futrell
Phys. Rev. A 37, 3211 – Published 1 May 1988
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The charge-transfer reaction of helium ions with xenon was investigated with a crossed-beam apparatus at collision energies of 5.1, 29, and 97 eV. In agreement with luminescence studies of the same reaction, the dominant product observed is the 6s P1/24 state of Xe+. A deconvolution technique which removes the contribution of this near-resonant state was used to investigate the contribution of other excited states and the ground state to the observed scattering diagram. A highly structured scattering-contour diagram was revealed which allowed positive identification of several excited-state products. These states are formed directly by charge transfer rather than by cascading from higher states; they also exhibit angular-specific and quantum-state-specific scattering. A propensity rule to conserve electronic angular momentum (ΔJ=0) is also inferred.

  • Received 31 July 1987


©1988 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

S. Howard, A. Rockwood, S. Anderson, F. Howorka, and J. Futrell

  • Department of Chemistry, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19716

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Vol. 37, Iss. 9 — May 1988

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