The Genetic Relation Between the Electronic and Mesotronic Components of Cosmic Rays Near and Above Sea Level

G. Bernardini, B. N. Cacciapuoti, B. Ferretti, O. Piccioni, and G. C. Wick
Phys. Rev. 58, 1017 – Published 15 December 1940
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The hypothesis that the cosmic-ray electrons observed at sea level are mostly due to the disintegration of the mesotrons has been tested (a) by comparing the ratio soft component/hard component, found at sea level in free air, with the same ratio found at 2050 m under a dense absorbing layer; (b) by comparing the Rossi curves for small showers under the same conditions; (c) by an especially detailed study of the increase of the soft component with increasing altitude. The results indicate that the proper lifetime of the mesotron is at least four microseconds and that the soft radiation observed at sea level is not entirely due to secondary processes of the mesotron.

  • Received 21 May 1940


©1940 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

G. Bernardini, B. N. Cacciapuoti, B. Ferretti, O. Piccioni, and G. C. Wick

  • Universities of Rome, Bologna and Paduo, Italy

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Vol. 58, Iss. 12 — December 1940

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