Kaon matrix elements and CP violation from quenched lattice QCD: The 3-flavor case

T. Blum, P. Chen, N. Christ, C. Cristian, C. Dawson, G. Fleming, R. Mawhinney, S. Ohta, G. Siegert, A. Soni, P. Vranas, M. Wingate, L. Wu, and Y. Zhestkov
Phys. Rev. D 68, 114506 – Published 30 December 2003
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We report the results of a calculation of the Kππ matrix elements relevant for the ΔI=1/2 rule and ε/ε in quenched lattice QCD using domain wall fermions at a fixed lattice spacing a12GeV. Working in the three-quark effective theory, where only the u, d, and s quarks enter and which is known perturbatively to next-to-leading order, we calculate the lattice Kπ and K|0 matrix elements of dimension six, four-fermion operators. Through lowest order chiral perturbation theory these yield Kππ matrix elements, which we then normalize to continuum values through a nonperturbative renormalization technique. For the ratio of isospin amplitudes |A0|/|A2| we find a value of 25.3±1.8 (statistical error only) compared to the experimental value of 22.2, with individual isospin amplitudes 10%–20% below the experimental values. For ε/ε, using known central values for standard model parameters, we calculate (4.0±2.3)×104 (statistical error only) compared to the current experimental average of (17.2±1.8)×104. Because we find a large cancellation between the I=0 and I=2 contributions to ε/ε, the result may be very sensitive to the approximations employed. Among these are the use of quenched QCD, lowest order chiral perturbation theory, and continuum perturbation theory below 1.3 GeV. We also calculate the kaon B parameter BK and find BK,MS¯(2GeV)=0.532(11). Although currently unable to give a reliable systematic error, we have control over statistical errors and more simulations will yield information about the effects of the approximations on this first-principles determination of these important quantities.

  • Received 19 July 2002


©2003 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

T. Blum1, P. Chen2, N. Christ2, C. Cristian2, C. Dawson3, G. Fleming2,*, R. Mawhinney2, S. Ohta4,1, G. Siegert2, A. Soni3, P. Vranas5, M. Wingate1,*, L. Wu2, and Y. Zhestkov2

  • 1RIKEN-BNL Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973, USA
  • 2Physics Department, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027, USA
  • 3Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973, USA
  • 4Institute for Particle and Nuclear Studies, KEK, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801, Japan
  • 5IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598, USA

  • *Present address: Physics Department, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210.

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Vol. 68, Iss. 11 — 1 December 2003

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