High-pressure phase transitions in Zn1xMnxSe: A Raman-scattering and photoluminescence study

Akhilesh K. Arora and T. Sakuntala
Phys. Rev. B 52, 11052 – Published 15 October 1995
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High-pressure phase transitions in semiconductor mixed crystals Zn1xMnxSe (x≤0.29) are investigated using Raman scattering and photoluminescence (PL) up to a pressure of 150 kbar. The samples are characterized for composition and crystal structure. A Raman mode is observed between TO and LO frequencies for samples with x≤0.097 and is assigned to a disorder activated zone boundary phonon. Apart from the PL band at 2.1 eV due to the 4T16A1 transition between the crystal-field split levels of Mn2+, a PL band is observed at 1.94 eV in the samples with x=0.063 which is assigned to a native defect forming a complex with Mn2+. The intensity of the PL band reduces drastically with pressure and completely disappears at about 15 kbar. A posible model for this behavior is presented. The pressure dependence of the phonon frequencies and the behavior of PL suggest three transitions P1, P2, and P3 for the mixed crystals with x=0.29, whereas those with x=0.063 and 0.097 show only P2 and P3 transitions. In the sample with x=0.29, TO mode splits into two components across P1 and the low-frequency component exhibits softening. The crystals turn opaque across P2 and the PL signal disappears suggesting that the band gap changes from direct to indirect. Intensities of Raman lines decrease and completely disappear across P3. The difference in the behavior of the phase transitions for the low and the high values of x is understood on the basis of their different crystal structures.

  • Received 18 May 1995


©1995 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Akhilesh K. Arora and T. Sakuntala

  • Materials Science Division, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, 603 102, T.N. India

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Vol. 52, Iss. 15 — 15 October 1995

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