Low-energy-electron-diffraction study of multilayer relaxation on a Pb{311} surface

Y. S. Li, F. Jona, and P. M. Marcus
Phys. Rev. B 44, 8267 – Published 15 October 1991
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Multilayer relaxation on clean Pd{311} has been determined by analysis of low-energy-electron-diffraction intensity data collected from a sample at -140 °C. The results, in terms of changes Δdik from the bulk value dbulk (1.485 Å) of the interlayer spacing dik between layers i and k, are as follows: Δd12=(-0.21±0.03) Å or (-14.1±2.0)% of dbulk, Δd23=(-0.03±0.03) Å or (-2.0±2.0)% of dbulk, Δd34=(-0.01±0.05) Å or (-0.7±3.4)% of dbulk, and Δd45=(0.08±0.05) Å or (+5.4±4.0)% of dbulk. Since the {311} surface has only one mirror line, parallel relaxations along the mirror line (the x direction) are possible and indeed found. The changes along x are Δs12x=(0.08±0.05)Å or (+3.0±1.9)% of the bulk value 2.626 Å, and Δs23x=(-0.05±0.05) Å or (-1.9±1.9)% of the bulk value. The contraction of d12 is comparable in magnitude to that found on {311} surfaces of other face-centered-cubic metals, in contrast to the results obtained earlier on Pb{110}, Pb{001}, and Pb{111}. However, as on these low-index surfaces, the relaxations extend more deeply into the bulk than on surfaces of other fcc metals.

  • Received 25 April 1991


©1991 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Y. S. Li and F. Jona

  • College of Engineering and Applied Science, State University of New York, Stony Brook, New York 11794

P. M. Marcus

  • IBM Research Center, P. O. Box 218, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598

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Vol. 44, Iss. 15 — 15 October 1991

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