Admittance measurements of acceptor freezeout and impurity conduction in Be-doped GaAs

T. W. Hickmott
Phys. Rev. B 44, 13487 – Published 15 December 1991
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Carrier freezeout and impurity conduction in lightly doped p-type GaAs have been studied in two groups of p-type GaAs–undoped AlxGa1xAs–p+-type GaAs capacitors. For one group the substrate doping was NS∼5×1014 cm3; for the other NS∼5×1015 cm3. From the temperature dependence of the appearance of a Gray-Brown dip in the capacitance-voltage curves at fixed frequency and temperature, the separation of the Be acceptor from the valence band, EA, is ∼20 meV for both groups. The activation energy for ac transport in p-type GaAs, EI, is determined from admittance measurements at fixed bias and variable temperature and frequency. For the lighter-doped samples, EI=17–23 meV, which is consistent with the value of EA. For the heavier-doped samples, EI∼6 meV; ac transport is either through a well-defined impurity band separated by ∼6 meV from the energy level of an isolated acceptor, or by activated hopping.

  • Received 28 June 1991


©1991 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

T. W. Hickmott

  • IBM Research Division, Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York 10598

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Vol. 44, Iss. 24 — 15 December 1991

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