Paramagnetic resonance and local position of Cr3+ in ferroelectric BaTiO3

K. A. Müller, W. Berlinger, and J. Albers
Phys. Rev. B 32, 5837 – Published 1 November 1985
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EPR spectra of Cr3+, S=(3/2), substituting for Ti4+ are reported as a function of temperature T in all four phases of BaTiO3. In the three ferroelectric phases (FEP’s), the principal axis of the Hamiltonian is always along the polar axis. There are two crystal-field terms, one proportional to the square of the polarization and a large one linear in T. The latter is the same in all FEP’s. The existence of the first term shows that the Cr3+ remains centered in the octahedral cell. The existence of the latter, not observed for Fe3+, points to large thermal fluctuations of the Cr3+. These are ascribed to the absence of antibonding, repelling eg electrons directed towards the oxygen atoms which are present for Fe3+. Saturation of the b20(T) term for low T is accounted for by a Debye model for Cr3+ with an energy of only 236.6 K, proving independently a flat ionic potential for Cr3+. The picture of considerable Cr3+ amplitude fluctuations agrees with an effectively reduced Cr3+-O2 distance of 0.02 Å compared to the Fe3+-O2 distance obtained from the superposition-model analysis. The latter yields the correct sign and magnitude of the crystal-field b20 terms in all FEP’s. It confirms that a maximum of the intrinsic superposition-model parameter b2¯(R) for Cr3+, derived earlier by Müller and Berlinger, occurs for R between 1.95 and 1.96 Å.

  • Received 6 June 1985


©1985 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

K. A. Müller and W. Berlinger

  • IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, 8803 Rüschlikon, Switzerland

J. Albers

  • Physics Department, Universitat des Saarlandes, 6600 Saarbrücken, West Germany

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Vol. 32, Iss. 9 — 1 November 1985

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