Excitation of the Ba and Ba+ resonance lines by electron impact on Ba atoms

S. T. Chen and Alan Gallagher
Phys. Rev. A 14, 593 – Published 1 August 1976
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The relative optical excitation functions and polarizations of the Ba resonance line (5535 Å) and of the Ba+ resonance lines (4554 and 4934 Å) have been measured, using crossed electron and barium-atom beams. The Ba 6P1 excitation function has been normalized to the Bethe theory in the high-energy limit, and the excitation functions of the ionic lines have been measured relative to that of the atomic resonance line. Using spontaneous-emission branching ratios for the Ba+(6P2) levels, we have also obtained normalized cross sections for these ionizing excitation levels. From a few electron volts above threshold, the Ba+(6P2) ionizing-excitation cross section has nearly the same energy dependence as has been reported for the total Ba+ ionization cross section, but about 1/6 the magnitude. In particular, a broad maximum at ∼22 eV, attributed to core-excited autoionizing levels, apparently contributes an equal fraction to both cross sections. This relationship holds also for the ionizing excitations versus total ionization of Sr. The cross sections for exciting the resonance levels of He, Mg, Ca, Sr, and Ba are also intercompared in reduced units and found to be strikingly similar at collision energies above ∼3 times the threshold energies.

  • Received 12 April 1976


©1976 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

S. T. Chen and Alan Gallagher*

  • Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado and National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colorado 80309

  • *Staff Member, Laboratory Astrophysics Division, National Bureau of Standards, Boulder, Colorado.

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Vol. 14, Iss. 2 — August 1976

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