Casting the Net—Connecting Auxin Signaling to the Plant Genome

  1. Jan U. Lohmann1
  1. 1Department of Stem Cell Biology, Centre for Organismal Studies, Heidelberg University, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
  2. 2Cell Wall Signalling Group, Centre for Organismal Studies, Heidelberg University, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
  1. Correspondence: jan.lohmann{at}


Auxin represents one of the most potent and most versatile hormonal signals in the plant kingdom. Built on a simple core of only a few dedicated components, the auxin signaling system plays important roles for diverse aspects of plant development, physiology, and defense. Key to the diversity of context-dependent functional outputs generated by cells in response to this small molecule are gene duplication events and sub-functionalization of signaling components on the one hand, and a deep embedding of the auxin signaling system into complex regulatory networks on the other hand. Together, these evolutionary innovations provide the mechanisms to allow each cell to display a highly specific auxin response that suits its individual requirements. In this review, we discuss the regulatory networks connecting auxin with a large number of diverse pathways at all relevant levels of the signaling system ranging from biosynthesis to transcriptional response.

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